Critically explore the claims being put forward, the assumptions (explicit or implicit) that underwrite these claims and the implications for theory and practice that emerge from them. What other readings will you recommend your colleague to look at for each Analysis; Analysis and Analysis B and why?

Question 1: Read the two analyses below: Analysis A and B (written by your colleagues) and write (not less than) a 450-word reflection on the evolution of your thinking on the relationship between gender/sexuality and conflict in the Middle East. At least 7 bibliographies

Question 2: Comment on each of the analyses provided above, at least 50 words each; Analyses A and Analysis B. You should critically explore the claims being put forward, the assumptions (explicit or implicit) that underwrite these claims and the implications for theory and practice that emerge from them. What other readings will you recommend your colleague to look at for each Analysis; Analysis and Analysis B and why?
Particularly focus on whether these analyses challenge any of the arguments based on your readings. For example, do these interpretations provide a challenge to different theoretical approaches, or challenge some of the conclusions you draw from your own reading?
No need for a bibliography unless needed to state readings.
Minimum 70 words each per comment.