As the skater move from one side to the other, what happens to its total energy? What happens to its individual energies (kinetic and potential)?Discuss

Part 1: Energy Skate Park
For this part of the lab, you will be using the following online simulation to study the energies.

Select the Intro from the options.
Select “Bar Graph” and “Grid” from the options on the right and “Slow Motion” from the bottom.
Place the skater at the end of the track and study the energy bar graph.
As the skater move from one side to the other, what happens to its total energy?
What happens to its individual energies (kinetic and potential)?
At what height is the potential energy maximum?
At what height is the kinetic energy maximum?
Is the energy conserved?
Part 2: Energy Conversion
Energy is transferred from one from to the other. For this part of the lab you will be using a ball and phyphox app on your phone.
Open the phyphox app and select (in)elastic collision.
Select settings and change the threshold to 0.05 au and minimum delay to 0.1 s.
Place the phone on a table and hold a ball (12-15 inches) above the table. Make sure the ball does not bounce on the phone.
Select heights and drop the ball. Record the data for 5 bounce.

Height # Height (m) PE per mass (J/kg) Energy ratio

Calculate the potential energy per mass from the height () and record it in the table.
Calculate the ratio of energy lost into sound after each bounce.

For example, for the height number 2, the energy ratio will be .

Is the energy conserved for the ball? If not, what is the energy transferred to?