Explain why the subject is relevant today and how it relates to your design project or practice as a future architect.


3000 word essay excluding bibliography. All sources must be appropriately referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

A description of the subject. Try and be as precise and specific as possible, think carefully about the scope of your essay: does it cover a certain time period? Several disciplines and if so which ones?

Research question(s): what questions are you trying to answer with this essay? Thinking about specific questions might help to frame your enquiry, again, try and be as specific as possible. Be ambitious but also realistic about what you will be able to do in the allocated timeframe and 3500 word count limit. If you start with a broad question, try and break it down into more manageable smaller ones.

Explain why the subject is relevant today and how it relates to your design project or practice as a future architect.

Your methodology: how do you intend to answer your question

Which sources will you be using: books, articles, artworks, scientific journals, interviews, films, fieldwork, visuals, drawings, photographs? Be specific, tell us exactly which sources you will be using. Remember that your methodology can be creative as well as critical.

Explain the motivations behind your choice of sources (why did you pick them?)

Explain how you intend to use your sources. How will they help your investigation? Are the ideas presented by the author important to your argument or do you disagree with them? Are you trying to expand on what the author is saying? Have you discovered something new through drawing? Etc…

The final submission should contain the following:

· Contents, Knowledge and Understanding of the subject area

· Structure and organisation of the thesis

· Speculative Thought and Conclusions

· Editorial Presentation including graphic presentation, use language and referencing