What opportunities and obstacles are there in promoting the right to self-determination for old people (Mental Health) and their carers.

Ethic Essay question:

What opportunities and obstacles are there in promoting the right to self-determination for old people (Mental Health) and their carers.

Words count – 4125 without bibliography

Essay should consider the following-

Disability and the disabling society-Negative labels, how service provision can devalue disabled people and perpetuate exclusion. Promoting anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approaches in social work practice.

Ageism and Age discrimination-Societal attitudes to older people, ageism and the role of social work in combating discrimination.

Social work values, power and ethical practice- Focus on working with involuntary/’reluctant’ service users.

Service user and carer involvement: empowerment possibilities and challenges- The complex nature of empowerment- service user and carer movements, barriers and opportunities.

Gender and Gender Diversity-Role of gender in social work, exploring stereotypes of gender identities, feminist social work.

Consider Professional capability framework below (PCF 2,3 and 4)

50 reference – mostly academic British Journals of social work and other academic discipline

Assignment marking criteria

70+% 60-99% 50-59%
Ability to apply underpinning theoretical ideas, appropriate literature and research findings and use of relevant and up to date sources (25%) Evidence of extensive reading with excellent integration of source material and referencing Very good range of reading, referencing and integration of source material
Generally good range of reading, referencing and integration of source material
Awareness of contemporary social work practice, initiatives and developments (20%) Outstanding grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title Very good grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title Generally sound grasp of contemporary social work practice and developments applied to the assignment title
Application of a professional value base. Consideration of anti-oppressive practice, ethical issues and dilemmas (20%) Value issues exceptionally well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner demonstrating very high level understanding Value issues very well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner demonstrating high level understanding
Value issues well integrated throughout in a relevant and sensitive manner showing a generally good level of understanding
Integration of critical reflection and analysis (20%)
Critical reflection on the assignment title and highly developed ability to think analytically evident in discussion Critical reflection on the assignment title and good ability to think analytically evident in discussion
Generally sound reflection on the assignment title and some evidence of ability to think analytically
Coherent writing. Attention to spelling and grammar. Use of required reference system (15%) Exceptionally coherent and well presented. Free from errors Very good coherency and presentation; free of all but the most minor errors Generally good coherence and presentation with occasional errors and / or lapse of spelling / grammar