To what extent does the current legal framework for support of businesses during the covid 19 pandemic leave vulnerable groups exposed and what suggested improvement can assist in remedying that lacuna.Discuss

Write a 2000 word PHD Research Proposal. Demonstrate the relevant knowledge of academic research processes, in particular, the proposal stage, and the ability to select a valid research topic and question, in preparation for the dissertation stage.

Idea 1. to what extent does the current legal framework for support of businesses during the covid 19 pandemic leave vulnerable groups exposed and what suggested improvement can assist in remedying that lacuna.

The fathers working from home identifying the volumous unpaid work and invaluable contributions of mothers within the household. A renewed respect for the stay at home/work from home mother’s. The increased economic pressures on families, loss of liberties, lockdown juxtaposing, with the increase in domestic abuse during covid.

Define vulnerable groups.

And to what extent does the current legal framework support or disadvantage single mother domestic abuse victims access to legal services and the effect of remote family hearings during covid 19.

What is the legislation? legal framework? Doctrines? public health act, human rights, equality act, find court applications/challenges re covid loss of liberties etc,

Find Solutions any other recommendations

Literature review find and quote supporting and opposing opinions.

Compare the existing law, comparative law see how other countries tackle this problem. E.g See how other countries deal with single mums, see economic methods how single mums are appreciated in household and society yet no longer have equal treatment in the family courts. The legal definition of ‘family’ implies a wife/women and children are the mans possessions. Legal title for a man is ‘Mr’ yet a woman must choose ‘Miss/Mrs/Ms’ exposing her to status ridicule not open to men.

Historical concepts, society opinions, morals, positivist critique of the law, justify why I used the research and why I tackled this problem.

Do a full research proposal, a problem-orientated solution proposing discussion of relevant academic literature.

demonstrate a mastery of academic legal English, writing structure, footnoting techniques and problems, empirical methods, the law library, forensic reading skills, and different types and methods of advanced legal research;

Produce a written Timetable of the entire RPG research project that organizes a complete research plan for the student’s entire RPG tenure. There must be no plagiarism.

demonstrate a mastery of the philosophical and theoretical issues that arise in doing advanced legal research.

Your PhD research proposal must passionately articulate what you want to research and why, convey your understanding of existing literature, and clearly define at least one original question and your approach to answering it. While it must be well-structured, your research proposal should retain sufficient flexibility to comfortably accommodate any changes you need to make as your PhD progresses.