Explain how you need to modify your management of an operation when protecting a vulnerable person against high-risk personnel. Compare and contrast the different approaches and methods, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in your approach.

Discuss and evaluate the different levels of IAM, and give examples of both simple and extreme situations where this is required (min. 300 words).
Weighting: 30
Explain how you need to modify your management of an operation when protecting a vulnerable person against high-risk personnel. Compare and contrast the different approaches and methods, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in your approach.
Weighting: 20
Scope a security operation to deal with each of the following threats, using hypothetical examples to illustrate your ability to manage a crisis:
Man made
Weighting: 15
Devise an application process and checklist for shortlisting a Guarding Contractor. Include a duty specification and provide a list of required documentation to support such a process.
Weighting: 10
The management of a ‘high end’ historic arcade with fourteen exclusive retailers and three jewellery shops requires a contract for the security of the arcade. The maintenance and management costs of each retailer will contribute toward the contract, however, there are six empty units.
Research and shortlist three real security companies and present the application shortlist as deigned above in Question 4 for each company. Analyse and present your findings and then justify and recommend which of the selected companies would be best suited to support this.
Weighting: 30
Following the recommendation of the shortlisted company, explain what will be required by both parties prior to signing an agreement to provide security services.
Weighting: 5
Evaluate the pros and cons of electronic and mechanical security technology, giving examples of situations and explaining which type will be most effective.
Weighting: 10
Explore the types of internal and external crime, and in the example of the arcade above, perform a risk assessment to identify possible threats in all areas and aspects of the day to day working of the arcade. (min 500 words)
Weighting: 20
Assignment 7
Draw up a Security Plan for a charity event. The event will require an entrance fee and will be an open-air event, and have a marquee, with a maximum of 1,000 attendees. There will be entertainment and refreshments, so power will be necessary. Explain your choices as to how you will secure the perimeter, premises, where you will use the CCTV, and how you will manage the specialist security and storage areas (1,000-1,500 words).
Weighting: 15
Design a Business Continuity Management Plan for a ten-story building with underground parking, two floors of retail units, one of office accommodation and the remaining floors of residential units. Design and apply the plan around an incident that results in the loss of power throughout following vandalism in the main power control room (approximately 1,000 words).
Weighting: 15
Assignment 8
Produce an information document, as though you were providing information to promote your own security business, explaining the importance of the identification and management of the different types and levels of risk. Include examples in the form of case studies to illustrate at least two types of risk. Include the processes that you would follow after the identification of the risk in terms of investigation (1,000-1,500 words).
Weighting: 30
Assignment 9
Your new security business is looking to recruit staff. Develop a job description for a Senior Security Manager and a Junior Security Professional who might be new to security, identifying essential and desirable criteria.
Weighting: 10
Following the application process, you have shortlisted two people for each role. Explain what information you will require when they attend interview and why this is important. Devise a series of eight interview questions that would help you to ascertain their suitability for the role, and explain why you have chosen each question.
Weighting: 16
Following your selection(s), you will schedule a review. Explain when the best time to do this would be and what the purpose of the review would be.
Weighting: 4
Following your appointment of your junior security professional, after fourteen months it appears that this person is not working efficiently, effectively, or even honestly. Explain what you can do to dismiss this person in line with employment law.
Weighting: 5
Explain the main role of your Security Manager when having the overall responsibility to manage Guarding Operations, and as his employer, define what kind of report/information will be required and for whom.
Weighting: 5
Assignment 10
Explain how regulatory bodies impose ethics that reduce corruption and improve compliance, honesty and integrity (300-400 words).
Weighting: 5
Discuss your own personal view on change management, its impact on security, and explain where you believe the security professional should concentrate during change (250 words).
Weighting: 10
Trends in security can be those that create challenges as well as those that emerge to meet challenges. As an example, more sophisticated systems are available to track stolen cars, pets and so on, and mobile phone cameras are used to record instances of crime. Research and discuss two trends in security that are being developed to assist the security professional (1,000-1,200 words).
Weighting: 20
In your own words summarise the major learning points from the whole of the study programme with particular reference to:
Roles and responsibilities of a security supervisor
The key principles of security
Principles and practices
Security surveying
Security design
Security operations management
Security project management
Security risk management
Manpower management
Regulation and human rights
Weighting: 50
With reference to your own learning summarise how you will be able to utilise these theories when working in everyday situation.
Weighting: 50