So is Oil the Main Obstacle to Democracy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States?Discuss

-I uploaded 3 files for resources. The two key readings folders are important, please use them . The further readings folder also contains some relevant readings use the ones applicable.

-Draw upon a range of literature and some empirical examples (some empirical evidence for the arguments) and every argument substantiated. On that note, please support particular arguments with more than one source.

-Do include page numbers in citations

-Include subheadings

-Avoid speculating about the future in the essay

-I uploaded my formative essay for this essay title which is like an essay plan. You don’t have to follow the exact outline but please include the arguments I made in that

-I also uploaded some notes I made on 3 readings but they are not paraphrased. I provided as it may be of use.

-A one sentence summary of the main argument in both the introduction and conclusion needed. So is Oil the Main Obstacle to Democracy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States?

-In the essay, only focus on GCC states namely Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman

-This is a third year paper so please take that into account when writing.