Discuss about the good and the bad of the above technology. What about internet connectivity? Was it an issue? What about students’ focus? Was it the same? Did students use excuses to prevent logging in or submitting work on time?


Your essay is to write about the practices that were implemented at schools during the pandemic. Schools refer to high schools, universities, military schools, etc.


You are a professor, teacher, or instructor at a reputable learning institution. While the pandemic of 2019/2020 hit, your school was forced to look for new and innovative ways of continuing to teach your school curriculums. Think back at those new practices and new ways of conducting business from a school perspective. What is the good and the bad? What was hard to incorporate and what was comfortable. What should continue even after the pandemic and why? What should definitely not continue after the pandemic and why?

Include the following practices:

For example, the use of technology, Adobe connect, provided a platform for communicating and instructing during the pandemic.

Include Microsoft team, which also provided another platform for screen sharing and whiteboards.

Include ZOOM technology.

Include Moodle, which provided ways to create interactive content for the students, allow for testing, allow for further communication and file sharing, and students collaborating together.

Talk about the good and the bad of the above technology. What about internet connectivity? Was it an issue? What about students’ focus? Was it the same? Did students use excuses to prevent logging in or submitting work on time?

Did the instructors show a lack of motivation on these new platforms?

How do instructors benefit? What about the students and finally the school.

Talk about the innovative practices that were put in place to continue teaching the curriculum during those tough times. Elaborate on how this can be continued in the future.

Talk about the practices that were failed and should not be continued to reinstituted and why? Elaborate.

What did this pandemic make us see better from school management and teaching perspective? Were any of the new ways of teaching enhances the course/classes better than the traditional methods? What is better, the old conventional way or the new ways explored.

Overall your essay should primarily revolve around the following two questions:

-What measures implemented during the pandemic should continue once the crisis has passed? Why?

-What practices/procedures that were canceled or suspended during the pandemic should not be resumed? Why?

And provide valuable and usable solutions for the future to a school for both during regular times and a possible pandemic or similar problems.

***At least three of your sources/references must be journals. Effectively back up your work and position on the topic. It is not okay to say online learning is the way to go. You must elaborate and back up your results with reputable sources and references.