How can AI on location databe applied in a sharing economy? What are the opportunities and challenges in doing so? Critically discuss with examples.

The field of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Data Analytics–which views data as a strategic asset used to help decision making in organisations with the aid of technology –spans between a number of topics that we covered during our lectures: descriptive/predictive analytics, machine learning techniques, deep learning/neural networks, recommendation engines etc. Considering the abovebut not limited to these topics, choose a phenomenon of your interest and critically discuss theapplicationof AI in a particular industry and/or function of your choice.Example topics:§How can AI used in conjunction withcustomer data be appliedstrategically in the e-commerce industry? What are the opportunities and challenges in doing so?

Critically discuss with examples.§How can AI on location databe applied in a sharing economy? What are the opportunities and challenges in doing so? Critically discuss with examples.§Privacy challenges of AI and data analytics in healthcare. Critically discuss with examples.§Howcan AI and data analytics be used strategically in sports to manage athletic performance? Critically discuss with examples.