Which of the following statements CORRECTLYdescribesthe necessity for drug absorption in the intestine?A)The solubility of the drug molecule in the cell membrane plays the only role.B)The drug molecules should be first soluble in water and also in the cell membrane.C)The drug molecule should be soluble only in water.D)There should be a solute transporter in the intestine, particularly for the drug.E)The first pass metabolism affects the drug absorption in the intestine

1.Refer to Figure 1 below. What is represented by the line between points F and G on the phase diagram?A)the boiling point of the substance as it varies withpressureB)the melting point of the substance as it varies withpressureC)the formation of an azeotropicmixtureD)the formation of a eutecticmixtureE)the critical point as it varies withpressurepressuretemperatureFigure 1. A temperature-pressure phasediagram for a single substance.2.The Root Mean Squared (RMS) Speed (or velocity) of nitrogen molecules at 20ºC is which ONE of thefollowing?[The Gas Constant is 8.314 J K-1mol-1and the relative molecular mass of nitrogen is 28.02.]A)4ms-1B)16ms-1C) 133ms-1D) 511ms-1E) 536ms-1GliquidsolidgasF
Page 3of 193.The intermolecular forces between molecules in a gasare…A)Repulsive at long distances and attractive at very shortdistancesB)Attractive at long distances and repulsive at very shortdistancesC)Attractive at alldistancesD)Repulsive at alldistancesE)Non-existant ingases4. Water has an anomalously high boiling point due toits…A)low molecularmassB)high refractiveindexC)high bondpolarityD)high heatcapacityE)low vapourpressure5.A phase boundary of a substanceindicates…A)a point at which the substance changes from one phase toanotherB)the normal melting point or normal boiling point of thesubstanceC)the most stable phase of thesubstanceD)the most unstable phase of thesubstanceE)a dynamic equilibrium between any two phases of thesubstance6.The failure of the ideal gas law is most pronounced under whichconditions?A)at moderate temperature andpressureB)at moderate temperature and lowpressureC)at low temperature and moderatepressureD)at low temperature and highpressureE)at high temperature and lowpressure7.A sealed bulb full of carbon dioxide gas has how many degrees offreedom?A)0B)1C)2D)3E)4
Page 4of 19For questions 8 and 9you should select an answer from the following list:A)Aqueous solubilityB)Saturated solutionC)SupersaturatedsolutionD)Subsaturated solutionE)Non-aqueoussolubility8.Which ONE refers to the maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a solvent other thanwater?9.Drug X has a molecular weight of 356 Da. Its solubility in water is 340 μM (micromolar). Which ONE phrase best describes a solution in which 10 mg of drug X completely dissolves in 2 ml ofwater?10.Which ONE of these best describes a methylgroup?A)Hydrogen bonddonorB)Hydrogen bondacceptorC)ProticD)HydrophobicE)Polar11.The solubility of drug Y,which contains a base with a pKa of 9, is 10 μM at pH 7 and 1 μM at pH 14. What is the intrinsic solubility of drugY?A)Greater than 10μMB)Less than 1μMC)10 μMD)1 μMOr answer E)if it is not possible to say.12.Drug Y contains a carboxylic acid with a pKaof 4.3. When drug Y is added to a mixture of 1-octanol and water at pH 1.1, the concentration measured in 1-octanol is 230 μM and the concentration in water is 0.16 μM. What is the logP of drug Y?A) -1.28B) 0.83C) 3.16D) 3.86E) 4.30
Page 5of 1913. In the phase diagram below, which pointindicates the Azeotropicpoint? 14. Which of the following statements is CORRECT aboutthe use of 1-octanol in measuring logP?A)The cell membranes are made of 1-octanol.B)1-octanol is miscible with waterC)1-octanol molecular structure is similar to most of drug moleculesD)1-octanol dissolves only polar compounds.E)It is historical.15. Which of the following statements CORRECTLYdescribesthe necessity for drug absorption in the intestine?A)The solubility of the drug molecule in the cell membrane plays the only role.B)The drug molecules should be first soluble in water and also in the cell membrane.C)The drug molecule should be soluble only in water.D)There should be a solute transporter in the intestine, particularly for the drug.E)The first pass metabolism affects the drug absorption in the intestine