What do you believe was the number one reason for the demise of the mission era in Florida?Discuss

. In this assignment you will be answering a question about the Spanish Missions in Florida.


By 1705 the Spanish mission era came to an end. There are several factors for the demise of the Spanish missions in the Florida’s. What do you believe was the number one reason for the demise of the mission era in Florida? Be specific in your argument and focus on only one reason for the demise of the mission era.

Defend your views by citing information from primary academic or government sources. Provide at least one reference, cited and referenced in MLA Style format

The style of writing should be Persuasive.

Persuasion: Persuasion is where you take a position on a topic and then try to persuade the reader to come to the same conclusion you arrived at. Here it is important to write a very clear thesis statement and then provide evidence that supports your argument.