Provide a critical analysis of punishment and sentencing approaches to serial killers.Analyze the connection between psychopathy and violence.

Week #02

The Psychopathology of Serial Killers Provide a critical analysis of the connection between psychopathy and violence. In your answer, you should reflect on psychopathy, psychopathology, and their connection to violent crime (and especially serial killing).
Week #03

Serial Killers and the Criminal Law Provide a critical analysis of how serial killing differs from other types of homicide. In your answer, you should consider both legal and social differences which impact on the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of serial killers.
Week #04

Punishing Serial Killers Provide a critical analysis of punishment and sentencing approaches to serial killers. In your answer, you should consider historical punishment and sentencing approaches to serial killers, but also legal and social aspects that impact punishment of serial killers.
Week #05

Serial Killers and the (In)visibility of Victims Provide a critical analysis of what the choice of victim (victimology) tells us about the serial killer. In your answer, you should consider social factors that impact the (in)visibility of victims and legal differences which impact on the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of serial killers.
Week #06

Serial Killers and Gender Provide a critical analysis of particularities around female serial killers. In your answer, you should consider female SK typologies and how they differ from male SK.
Week #07

Assessment support, Summative assessment 01:
Week #08

Profiling Serial Killers I: Types of Serial Killers Provide a critical analysis of the typologies in serial killer profiling. In your answer, you should reflect on how typologies and definitions assist profiling, the value of typologies and profiling and limitations.