Was the Code of Hammurabi fair?Discuss

A.Was the Code of Hammurabi fair? .Take a position and defend it. Make your last sentence ofyour first paragraph your thesis statement. Then, by choosing, say, TWO TO THREE LAWSfrom the Code, tell why it WAS or WAS NOT FAIR. Be specific; give examples. Use the linksto the Code within the CLASSES site. OR

B. Are emojis the new pictographs? In ancient writing, pictographs, which depicted a picture ofwhat was to be conveyed, were the early forms of writing. Ideograms linked these together—more than one pictograph—to convey an idea. Are emojis the modern-day equivalent? Why orwhy not? Take a position and defend it. The last sentence of your first paragraph should be yourthesis statement. Use the additional chapter from Cole and Symes in CLASSES to help you. Besure to use an example of a modern-day short sentence in emoji form (with translation) to helpyour position. Obviously, if you agree, provide a sentence; if you do not agree, show how thesentence in emoji form would be incomprehensible. Be specific.