Explore The life of Nisei Japanese American women during WWII.

Write a 12-page research paper that explores a theme or topic from the course.

You can incorporate material from the class into your final paper or find your own primary and secondary sources to write on as long as they adhere to the themes of the course. Your essay must be based on primary source research. It is my graduation thesis for my BA.

Essay Format:

The essay should be 12 or more pages (with the exception of a title page, and table of contents page), double spaced with 12-point font. Chicago in text citations with a bibliography page.

Title page, Table of contents page, the paper, then bibliography.

Topic: The life of Nisei Japanese American women during WWII.

Thesis statement: During the 1940s Japanese American women faced truly difficult times. Japanese people on the west coast where unjustly sent into internment camps in remote areas of the country. The cause for this was an Executive Order 9006 by President Franklin Roosevelt as a direct result of the Empire of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In these relocation camps Japanese American women faced severe racism and traumatic family strain, but the experience also fostered changes in their lives. The goal of this work is examining the lives of Japanese American women during the trying war years. This work will accomplish this by borrowing primary and secondary source accounts and works of these experiences and treatment of the of Nikkei Americans women during World War 2.