Review and Evaluate Programme: extent to which programme has achieved goals set, strengths and areas for improvement, modification of programme to achieve planned goals; changes to programme to continue/maintain improvements.

Please note that the indicative content supplied below is intended as a suggested guide only. It is not meant to be a prescriptive, exhaustive or fully delivered content list.

Question 1
Components of physical fitness: flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, power, agility, aerobic endurance, speed.

Fitness tests: flexibility, e.g. sit and reach; strength, e.g. 1RM, grip dynamometer; aerobic endurance, e.g. multi-stage fitness test, step test, maximal treadmill protocol; speed, e.g. sprint tests; power, e.g. vertical jump, Wingate test; muscular endurance, e.g. one-minute press up, one-minute sit up; body composition, e.g. skinfold callipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis.

Advantages and disadvantages of different tests, e.g. cost, time, equipment requirement, facility requirements, skill-level of person carrying out test, issues with test validity, issues with test reliability.

Questions 2-3
Collect information: goals (short-, medium- and long-term goals), SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound), lifestyle, medical history, and physical activity history.

Principles of training: overload, specificity, progression, individual differences, variation, and reversibility, FITT principles (frequency, intensity, time and type).

Training diary, e.g. progression, attitude, motivation, links to goals.

Review and Evaluate Programme: extent to which programme has achieved goals set, strengths and areas for improvement, modification of programme to achieve planned goals; changes to programme to continue/maintain improvements.