Do you, at this moment, have information stored there that is critical to your personal life?Is the information accessible by persons other than yourself?Discuss

• Understand who is responsible for protecting information assets.
Assignment Requirements Take a close look at the information stored on your personal computer or laptop. Then, in 1-2 pages (plus a cover sheet), address the following questions in your paper.
1. Do you, at this moment, have information stored there that is critical to your personal life? (Please do not divulge information you are uncomfortable sharing.) 2. Is the information accessible by persons other than yourself? 3. If that information became lost or compromised, what effect would it have on you or your family? 4. What security measures do you have in place to protect that information?
This activity is worth 50 points.
Submission Instructions

Written assignments help evaluate your cognitive learning, which is a style of learning that encourages students to use their minds more effectively. This method of learning encourages students to fully engage in the learning process; so, learning, thinking, and remembering gets easier and easier. The paper requirements are meant to guide you in your assignment submission. The most important point is to make it readable, include the author’s name, course name, assignment name, date, and cite your sources of information. Paper Requirements:
• Format: Microsoft Word • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space (or equivalent) • Citation Style: APA (The point is to use a style that makes your document readable and give credit to the sources you used.) • Coversheet • List of References Page • Proofread – Edit for spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. • Use only course text, professional journal articles, or other reputable resources.