What are the important legal, ethical, and therapeutic considerations you must consider?  When might you need to seek supervision or peer consultation, in such a case?  Under what circumstances might you need to initiate a legal consultation? 

DQ 2.1: Bowenian Transgenerational Model
After reading the textbook’s treatment of Cinderella’s case in the inset boxes in Chapter 7, share your ideas about how the same case might be conceptualized using a Bowenian transgenerational model.  Include assessments of how Bowen’s concepts of differentiation and triangulation may (or may not) be at work in this family system.
DQ 2.2: Secrets and Confidentiality Considerations
One member of a couple shares with you, outside of your couple sessions, that s/he is having an affair.  You are asked to keep this information secret.

What are the important legal, ethical, and therapeutic considerations you must consider?  When might you need to seek supervision or peer consultation, in such a case?  Under what circumstances might you need to initiate a legal consultation?

How might you handle informed consent regarding confidentiality at the outset of therapy, to help you proceed later if such a situation does arise?  How might you explain the responsibilities of the client and the therapist in a therapeutic relationship within a couple/family therapy framework?  What are the potential consequences of action in response to the client’s disclosure, versus inaction by the therapist?