What is your purpose in this writing? What are you trying to say?Discuss

Feedback Sheet for Argument Essay Let’s define an essay as something with paragraphs that addresses the Mph’ we are covering. It MUM have a beginning, middle and end to count as a dr mar paper doesn’t,you’ll need to keep working be Me 1 tive yWhat is your purpose in this writing? What are you trying to say? ou Jeedbnek.
Argument Essay Expectations: 1. Develop a thoughtful, persuasive argument from a debatable, defensible, specific claim achieve a clear purpose b. organize ideas logically 2. Research credible and substantial evidence to support claim; cite evidence in MLA-style parenthetical citations and Works Cited page 3. Use precise, telling details and figurative language to “show, not tell” 4. Demonstrate effective word choice to create a deliberate tone; use strong verbs and concrete nouns; avoid intensifiers and overuse of adjectives/adverbs and clichés 5. Enhance writer’s voice through literary devices, stmcturc techniques, creative punctuation, and other strategies 6. Exhibit a proofread, fluent essay Writing Process: Teacher fills this out when reading drafts and conferencing First Draft (1 pt) Dale turned in: Writing Conference Date: Second Draft (1 pt) Date tuned in: Writing Conference Date: Add’l drafts and conferences (insert rows as needed) Final Draft Approval (I pt) Date approved: Final Reflection and Portfolio Annotations Opt) Date checked: Student Reflection. When turning in your draft, please answer the following questions: What is your purpose in this writing? What are you trying to say? (Update this as your purpose evolves from draft to draft) How are you attempting to achieve this purpose? (Perhaps discuss structure, reciting strategies, etc) Peer Feedback Reflection How will you apply first draft feedback from your Writing Response Group? How will you apply second draft feedback from your Writing Response Group?