Using Porter’s generic strategies framework, critically analyse and discuss what Grab should do to maintain its competitive advantage in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment in Southeast Asia.


I provide 2 documents at ‘additional materials’ section. The first document has the question that must be answered with a CASE STUDY to it. The second document will help you to understand what are the topics and how I was taught to answer them. MAKE SURE TO OPEN THE ‘additional materials’ where you will need to answer the question according to the case study.

QUESTION TOPIC: Using Porter’s generic strategies framework, critically analyse and discuss what Grab should do to maintain its competitive advantage in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment in Southeast Asia.

Essay structure:

1) Introduction and problem statement (10-20% word count)

2) Strategic analysis options (linking theory to the question and case evidence, 60%-75% word count)

3) Conclusion and recommendation (10%-20% word count)

Make sure you discuss all 4 Porter’s generic strategies ( with advantages and examples from case study and provide CRITICISM (evaluation point) to it with relevant examples and from the case study. Make sure that you provide an actual SOLUTIONS how the Grab company can maintain its competitive advantage. Also, very important to use the data/numbers to be used from the case study when answering the question to support your points. In addition, you can talk about the hybrid strategy at the conclusion, it is a good point in my opinion, but please decide yourself how to discuss this topic and analyse. You can also talk about the economy scales as written in the support document at “additional material”

When answering the question look at support materials to support you in terms of Porter’s Generic strategy frameworks

Text format: Verdana, 11

Spacing: 1.5