Briefly discuss any cultural considerations relevant to the case including potential areas for bias, misinterpretation, and/or cultural impacts on the client’s experience of diagnosis and/or treatment.

Presenting Problem & Symptoms In a few sentences discuss state what you believe to be the presenting problem (why the client is being seen), as well as any/all the symptoms you believe are relevant to the case.
DSM 5 Diagnosis Provide the correct DSM-5 diagnosis in the correct DSM-5 format; incorrect diagnoses may be awarded partial credit depending on similarity to the correct diagnosis.
Rationale for Diagnosis The rationale must include reasons why you believe the diagnostic criteria have been met and any differential diagnostic considerations.
Treatment Plan The treatment plan must include at least three goals, each with objectives and appropriate, corresponding interventions.
Research Considerations Briefly discuss relevant research findings with regards to the latest information on the diagnosis and/or treatment of this disorder.
Cultural Considerations Briefly discuss any cultural considerations relevant to the case including potential areas for bias, misinterpretation, and/or cultural impacts on the client’s experience of diagnosis and/or treatment.