Write a 2-3 page description of your exhibit: 35 points This description introduces your exhibit to its target audience. In it, you will tell your reader what the theme of the exhibit is. Explain why it’s important and then link together the items. How do the objects illuminate something important and unifying about human existence? Imagine this as the introductory placard in a museum. It should give your exhibit’s viewers a guide through the objects as a collective whole.

Components & Rubric 100 points total
Select five objects and come up with a title for your exhibit: 10 points The objects should be linked in some way, but how you link them is entirely up to you. You should attempt to select objects from at least FOUR different sections of the book. The links could be geographic, cultural, or thematic. Themes could include: politics, diplomacy, gifts, women, race, commerce, violence, development, and so on. This will be assessed on the viability of the links you make and how compelling it is.
Write a 2-3 page description of your exhibit: 35 points This description introduces your exhibit to its target audience. In it, you will tell your reader what the theme of the exhibit is. Explain why it’s important and then link together the items. How do the objects illuminate something important and unifying about human existence? Imagine this as the introductory placard in a museum. It should give your exhibit’s viewers a guide through the objects as a collective whole.
Write five item descriptions: 30 points (6 points each) These descriptions should be very brief (3 sentences or so). They will provide the date, location, and highlight significant physical features/purposes of the object. It should also provide a tie-in to the larger theme.
Presentation: 15 points You’ll give a brief, informal presentation to your classmates (5-10 r^ ^ * “\+-” frdi them about your