Briefly summarize the article, but spend more time reflecting on it and relating it to both material covered in the course as well as your professional life.


In week four you are tasked with locating, summarizing, and analyzing an article from Nexis Uni or any other source through which you can obtain a peer-reviewed professional/academic journal article which relates to legal issues in the health care system. The article must have been published within the past three years. Briefly summarize the article, but spend more time reflecting on it and relating it to both material covered in the course as well as your professional life. A guide to database resources is provided in the Week 1 materials. Include in your paper the summarizing for health professionals and if you have any personal experience with the issue covered. Papers are to be 800-1000 words. Appropriate reference citations are to be included and APA format is to be utilized.

Again, The topic is about finding a article review about the implications for health professionals and if you have any personal experience with the issue covered . Word count is 800-1000 words. Please let me know if you need additional database resources to research article reviews! as always thank you for your hard work!