Identify a problem in nursing practice of personal or professional interest, through the completion of the nursing problem webquest


Have a paper draft and will like you to also look at the first paper draft.Students will identify a problem in nursing practice of personal or professional interest, through the completion of the Nursing Problem WebQuest. Students will then gather background information, and statistics to support the relevance of the chosen problem to professional nursing practice. Students will conduct a database search to locate appropriate research studies which will help the nurse address the problem in Writing Assignment 1.This assignment requires a minimum of 2 typed, double spaced pages in APA format. Written feedback will be prWebQuestovided by the faculty and returned to the student. Students will be required to complete one revision of this paper based on the feedback, and will resubmit the assignment in order to receive a grade.Instructions:First SubmissionDraft a minimum of 2 pages, double spaced Word paper in APA format including the following items.Problem in nursing practice is identified Background information on the practice problem is providedStatistics on the problem are includedName your file “Writing Assignment 1