Discuss how technological innovation changes society and human behavior

Influence of culture on human behavior

Chapter 2 discusses the influence of culture on human behavior. One of the major cultural elements of our society is strong support and belief for technological development. This assignment aims to discuss how technological innovation changes society and human behavior by conducting the following exercises.

1. Write your short essay in four paragraphs, and at least 500 words total in the following order.Conduct some research on recent technological development and services. Check some technology-related magazines and their websites such as “Engineering and Technology,” “MIT Technology Review,” “Popular Mechanics,” and “Popular Science.”
Alternatively, you can check the Criminal Justice Information Service website on the FBI website.Choose one product or service which was first introduced within the last two years from their articles. Be creative and demonstrate your critical thinking. If you decide not to use any of the above sources, make sure you choose a product/service first introduced to our society within the last two years. (Do not choose an upgraded version of the existing products such as the latest iPhone (or other cell phones), Tesla, Nintendo games, 3D printing, and social media services.)

In the first paragraph, briefly introduce the product/service. Discuss the major functions, roles, and/purposes of it. Attach the photo of the product or website link to your essay. (1 point)

In the second paragraph, discuss at least two different social groups (based on gender, age, economic status, geographical location, physical disability, family type, and occupation, etc.) you believe would most likely use it and/or benefit from it and why. * One of the major purposes of this assignment is to demonstrate your sociological imagination and critical thinking. An argument such as “everyone will benefit from it” would not be acceptable. Even if it is likely, you need to push your sociological imagination and discuss which social groups would benefit more and/or faster access to technology and why. (1 point)

In the third paragraph, discuss how the product would change people’s lives, behavior, or the forms/patterns of communication among individuals with some specific examples. Use your sociological imagination and discuss what positive changes the new technology would bring to our society. * Make sure you discuss “societal” benefit, not “individual one.” (2 points)

In the fourth paragraph, discuss the negative “societal” consequences and/or concerns of the product/service. Alternatively, you can discuss what occupations this new technology/service would replace in the future. *Demonstrate your critical thinking. Do not discuss the technological weaknesses or limitations of the product. Do not discuss what would happen if it gets malfunction. Make sure your discussion focuses on the potential consequences to the society as a whole or a particular social group. (1 point)