Write a narrative essay will have the same elements as a short story or novel.

The Day My Life changed

Tell Your Story: Narrative Essay:Purpose:
A narrative essay has a purpose, so you need to have intent and a reason for telling a particular story. Did the time in your life change you in some way? Did you learn a valuable lesson? What is the reason for telling this story?
Main idea/Thesis:
Story Elements:
A narrative essay will have the same elements as a short story or novel. You will have a plot, the series of events that form the story, and a climax, a moment near the end of the story where the conflict in your story is most tense. Narrative essays should also have characters and a resolution to the conflicts.
Descriptive Language:
You can use descriptive language in your narrative essay. In week three, you practiced describing an object and a setting. Descriptive language helps your reader connect to your story and have a lasting impact.
Narrative Essay Instructions:
The following critea reflect the areas needed for a successful narrative essay.
The essay should have a clear purpose and a main idea/thesis statement within the first paragraph.
The narrative should share a larger lesson with the audience than simply retelling an event.A strong narrative centers on a conflict building from introduction to body to a thought-provoking resolution.
It should use descriptive language to bring the reader into the experience.the qualities of an effective narrative essay.Requirements:600 word narrative essay