Discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism.

Research Assignment 1: Week 3


The subject of your research paper this week is to discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism as well as to discuss the pros and cons of diversity in the workplace. Remember, this is not an opinion piece but a scholarly work supported with credible references and sources from your research. Topics of discussion may include recruiting, selection, pay and benefits, retention, affirmative action, and any other areas that pertain to strategic HRM in the workplace.

The research assignment this week is worth 20% of your final grade. Should be submitted as an MS Word attachment in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Your paper should be a minimum of eight (8) full pages of double spaced content in 12 point font. In addition, include a properly formatted APA cover page, an abstract, a properly formatted Introduction and Conclusion, and a minimum of 5 references to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Your paper should analyze all required readings and those from your research in the field of study. You are expected to conduct outside research aside from the text to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Discussions of key concepts, and a critical analysis of the research is required. Remember you are to critically analyze the data you find. Merely copying pasting and citing sources does not constitute scholarly writing. You must present ideas and positions and support or refute those arguments with credible references and sources.

While assigned readings are important; you must conduct independent research of the subject matter and critically analyze the materials presented. References and sources should support your ideas, arguments, and opinions; and not be the basis of your paper. The assignment should be a scholarly paper that is designed to analyze and academically discuss what you have learned and how you can integrate the learning into an organization now and in the future. Be sure to list references in proper APA format and ensure that all listed references are also cited in text. References and citations must be congruent, meaning all listed sources are cited in text and cited sources are listed in the references section at the end of your paper.

Your paper should adhere to APA formatting requirements (APA style cover page, in-text citations for each listed reference, and a reference page are required). Please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will affect the grading. It is very important that your critical analysis relates the course content to real-world applications from your work experiences or current events affecting HRM practices.