Determine the G-Power Analysis of the study- how the dependent variable changes based on the independent variables .

Determine the G-Power Analysis of the study

Chapter 3:Design

Research uses data obtained primarily by the researcher utilizing surveys, interviews, or participant-observation. There are several methods to choose from. For this study, a quantitative, pre-intervention, post-intervention method is relevant and captures the essence of studying perceived experiences.
The purpose of this prospective, pre-intervention, post intervention study is to explore the relationship between stress and coping strategies among nursing graduate students and evaluate the impact of an intervention to impart healthy coping strategies to the students. Therefore, this project will assess any changes in stress levels and coping levels among graduate NP nursing students currently enrolled in their first semester of graduate education, identify which coping strategies the students have been utilizing, and evaluate the impact of a coping strategy intervention. Many investigations have been conducted to identify stressors, evaluate stressful experiences, and introduce coping measures among NP nursing students as the phenomena of stress experiences has been highly associated with the nursing profession. This study will evaluate the fact that stress is evident and emphasize the impact that an educational intervention has on perceived stressors. This study will consider conducting a pilot study due to a lack of literature regarding stress as experienced by graduate NP nursing students. A power analysis performed using the criteria from previous studies involving perceived stressors in graduate NP nursing students determined that a moderate to high sample size is required to obtain reliable results. In this section, the research method, the subjects, the data collection procedures, limitations, and ethical considerations are discussed.

Instrument /Measurement Tools

There will be three components that will be analyzed for this study: demographic tool , the Perceived Stress Scale, and the WAYS  tools coping survey. To initiate the use of instruments and tools, the researcher will include a demographic tool. The demographic tool is based on current and previous literature that is relevant to statistical generalization. A self-made questionnaire will determine sociographical factors.
Next, an instrument that will be utilized in this study is a self-reporting scale: the PSS . The PSS was developed by Sheu et al.,  and was designed to identify stress levels and stressors in nursing students during their clinical training . The PSS tool is a 29-item scale consisting of six factors:

1. Stress from taking care of patients,

2. Stress from teachers and nursing staff,

3. Stress from assignments and workloads,

4. Stress from peers and daily life,

5. Stress from lack of professional knowledge and skills, and

6. Stress from the clinical environment.
Ways of Coping Questionnaire  is used to measure coping processes. This tool will be implemented to assess the thoughts and actions of the participants as the encounter stressful challenges. The WAYS can assist with developing coping skills, evaluating strengths and weaknesses and alternative coping mechanisms . This tool is comprised of a 66-item questionnaire.

Data Collection and Management

Data will be collected with the assistance of the administrative assistant acting as a liaison. SheThe liaison will provide the students’ school email addresses to send them the study details. This information will be kept private as the researcher’s computer access is password protected.
Details of the study will be shared within the students’ school email via an electronic flyer. This will be their announcement to the study. This announcement will include the purpose of the study, instructions to the study, and the timeline of events. Once the students have been made aware of the study, the research process will be initiated via electronic delivery. The study will identify stressors experienced via the Perceived Stress Scale and will also include the WAYS coping scale to better manage those stressors. The students will then receive educational interventions. These interventions may be helpful and used throughout their educational journey. The research surveys will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Once the initial survey is completed, the students will have access to the educational interventions. A follow-up survey will be available after about two-three weeks to determine if the intervention was beneficial. Student input is crucial to help guide future decisions and programs to provide continued value to nursing students globally. Data will be collected upon completion of the surveys via the electronic application the Survey Monkey. Once data has been collected, it will be held in the storage system in a password protected until analysis of the results have been completed. Once the study is over, the data will be destroyed and deleted.

Analysis Plan

For the purpose of this study, a simple linear regression model will be used to estimate how the dependent variable changes based on the independent variables . To examine the differences in stress levels, the t-test and also repeated measures ANOVA would the most applicable for this study. Initially the nonparametric tests appeared feasible due to a potential small sample size and ranked data using PSS tool . The frequency of data collection will be once during fall semester 2021 . The frequency of evaluating data will be initially in October for the pre-intervention and in November-December for the post intervention. The researcher will utilize the survey monkey application to analyze the data results of the surveys pre and post intervention. Each survey will be validated for reliability and analyzed by the researcher. The researcher will compare the responses for consistency. Survey Monkey has features to analyze the data and provide the researcher with the results.


The initiation of contact with the graduate NP nursing students will begin with the administrative assistant, who will assist in facilitating communication between the researcher and the students. The administrative assistant will act as a liaison between the researcher and the graduate NP nursing students only. She has no power over the students, so no coercion will be a concern. The researcher will draft an electronic flyer to introduce the study. The electronic flyer will be sent to the liaison to forward to the students. The researcher will then draft an email that will introduce the study to the students and will send the introductory mail to the liaison to alert the students to the study. The researcher will utilize the Survey Monkey software to load the survey tools to be completed by the students. This will be attached to the introductory email. Once the introductory email has been reviewed, a link attached to the same email will contain the purpose of the study, consent, steps to follow to complete study, survey questionnaires, educational interventions, and gratitude thanking the students for their participation. The first page of the email will contain details and instructions to completing the study. This page will also display the steps to completing the survey. Participants will be informed in the introduction of the study that their participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw at any time. The researcher will explain to each participant the time frame for completing the survey and/or questionnaire. Each page will include a button that allows the student to proceed to the next section that will only permit continuance upon completion of the previous section. After reading the instructions of the study, when the student clicks on the start button, this will allow entry into the survey, and that will be considered their informed consent to participate in the study. To begin, a demographic tool will capture the participant information.
Next, the proceeding section will lead the student into the PSS survey tool . With the completion of the PSS survey tool, the students will no longer have access to the answers they indicated on the survey. After completion of this survey, there will be a link that automatically starts the WAYS coping survey tool . With the completion of the WAYS survey tool, the students will no longer have access to the answers they indicated on the survey. After completion of the WAYS coping survey tool, the students will have access to a link that will display the educational intervention on stress management provided to them by the researcher. The students will have access to this link for up to one month. However, the students will also have permission to download and print the educational intervention as a reference tool. A one-month time frame was indicated with consideration to the students’ schedules, exams, clinicals, and/or other factors that are priority to the students. This allows time to view the educational intervention without the added stress of additional tasks.
In one-month post initiation of the educational intervention, the liaison will alert the students to the post intervention survey via electronic flyer provided by the researcher. The students will be prompted with a link that redirects them to the post survey tool from their previous assessment and responses. The first page of the email will contain details and instructions to completing the study requirements. This page will also display the steps to completing the survey. Each page will include a button that allows the student to proceed to the next section that will only permit continuance upon completion of the previous section. After reading the instructions of the study, when the student clicks on the start button, this will allow entry into the survey, and that will be considered their informed consent to participate in the study. To begin, the students will be able to start the post intervention questions. Next, the proceeding section will lead the student into the PSS survey tool . Upon completion of the PSS survey tool, the students will be thanked for their participation.

Feasibility and Appropriateness

Stress is inevitable. As Selye  has identified, there is good stress and bad stress. However, when faced with changing roles and careers in life, the stress one may experience will change. The assessment of the nature of the study, population, location, and design are feasible given the literature and historical background of the role that stress plays in high demand career opportunities. Stress has commonly been associated with the nursing profession and is deemed appropriate in relevance to the graduate level students in this study. The value this study will add to the existing literature will be sufficient in contributing to further research.
This research will be feasible to accomplish as student stress is common among college students and nursing school has historically been named stressful. The feasibility of this research has been determined by the approval of the program director pending IRB approval. The participants enrolled are sufficient in number to conduct a study during this fall  semester, and the students are likely to participate. The time to gather data will be at midterm and one month post intervention which is sufficient. However, the timeframe will be compressed but nevertheless attainable. The costs incurred for this project will be less than one-thousand dollars, but affordable.

IRB Approval and Process

Institutional Review Board approvals will be secured from both the researcher’s university, Abilene Christian University , and the proposed research university – where the research will be conducted. When deciding to utilize Alcorn State University the proposed site, the researcher contacted the school of nursing graduate studies department. She was then asked by the program director to send details of study to be conducted. referred by the administrative assistant to write the interim dean to obtain permission and a letter of support to conduct the study. The researcher sent over details via email and explained the nature of the study, participation requirements, design, procedures, and offered to answer any questions regarding the study. The researcher explained that each participant will be assured confidentiality and anonymity in the reporting process. Participants will be informed in the introduction of the study that their participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw at any time. The researcher will explain to each participant the time frame for completing the survey and/or questionnaire. Each participant will be given informed consent for participation in this study .Collaboration in research is beneficial to the advancement, opportunities, and to the expansion of literature. This research study is appreciative of the collaboration efforts and partnership between the researcher and university  and also the study’s proposed university . The program director interim dean has provided an email confirmation/ letter in support of the research to be conducted pending IRB approval. and has mutually agreed that this study is beneficial. The results of this study will be utilized for research purposes only as mutually agreed upon by researcher and the program director. interim dean.

Practice Setting

The setting for this study will be in a cityrural town in southeast Mississippi in the southern region of the U.S. The school of nursing is located on the main campus. approximately thirty miles away from the main campus in a health science building. The health sciences building contains the classroom for the graduate NP nursing students and, a mini library and resource center and the nursing instructor offices. There are no dormitory facilities at this location. The dormitories are located at the main campus. However, most graduate students reside off campus and commute to the health science building occasionally as the graduate NP nursing students are required to attend seldomly for checkoffs and other skills but majority of program is online. However, with the distance learning opportunities that have been reinforced by the current pandemic, students are attending classes virtually, remotely and 100% online. Students have access to a practice lab for simulation activities. There is a gymnasium that is central to the other offices and classrooms.

Target Population

The accessible population for this sample will consist of volunteer students from a diverse student population historically black southern graduate nursing program in a southern eastern city/town of Mississippi. Criteria for inclusion in the study

1) first semester graduate NP nursing students and

2) enrollment as a first-time graduate NP student taking introductory courses for the first time. This area is inhabited predominantly by an African American population with a diverse population. The project will consist of participants that are both male and female. The selected sample will include a total of approximately 20-30 students . Typically, nursing curriculums admit less than 30 students per semester. These students will be selected with relevance to their willingness to participate.

Risks and Benefits

The researcher has agreed to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and transparency of the research study. There are no potential risks of physical harm to participants. However, a low/minimal psychological risk could include embarrassment and/or feelings of guilt. The benefits of this study will include the desired goal to further research in graduate education.
• Obtain support letters- Summer 2021/June 2021
• Obtain tool permission- Fall 2020
• Initiate contact with liaison- June 2021
• Administer pre-survey February October 2021
• Administer educational intervention February 2021- March October-November 2021
• Administer post-survey April December 2021