What application does the law have for 21st-century Christians? In your response, consider this question in both the practical and theological realms.

Discussion: Old Testament Law for the New Testament Christian

Read Deuteronomy Chapters 1-34; Joshua Chapters 1 -24, REad Handbook on the Pentateuch by Victor Hamilton pages 367-464, Handbook on the Historical Books by Victor Hamilton pages 15-95. Answer the following questions using textbook, scholarly sources, and the Bible in your responses. Each response should be at least 200 words each. Use Turabian format

1. How did the Old Testament law function in ancient Israel? What was its purpose and significance for the ancient Israelite?

2. What is the theological function of the law according to Scripture? How does the law function in salvation history? Be sure to use new Testament references in supporting your answer?

3. What application does the law have for 21st-century Christians? In your response, consider this question in both the practical and theological realms.