What is the extent to which politics, competition over resources, and colonial identity impacted the relationship between Great Britain and the 13 colonies from 1700-1775.

Step1 Read the question or prompt carefully: Read the question three times and be able to paraphrase the question and know the essential task demanded by it. Answering the question will be the central focus of your essay, and you want to be sure to ATFP What type of prompt is this? What is your purpose? What are your parameters? Notice this prompt includes the phrase “the extent to which.” This means that your thesis must directly state the extent each impacted the relationship.
Step2 Brainstorm on paper everything that comes to mind regarding the topic at hand. Aim for at least 6 specific things. What do you know about the topic? Put this down on paper to get your brain in gear for writing the essay. Once you have ample information, categorize it by theme.
Step3 Clarify your topic /view and identify an opposing view.
Step4 Write your introductory paragraph.Explain and Elaborate

The formula is in the attachment below. Follow it. Use it.Plan your conclusion by completing the Broad and Other Contextualization for this prompt. Focus in on one theme and/or event that relates to your thesis/argument. Write in complete sentences
a. Broad Context Why, How – What is the “Big Picture?” What is the theme?
b. Comparative/Other Context – Similar in Kind From a Different Time… compare the broad context to another event/era and explain how or why they are alike or different.
c. Using this analysis and your formula, write your conclusion Prompt: Analyze the extent to which politics, competition over resources, and colonial identity impacted the relationship between Great Britain and the 13 colonies from 1700-1775.