Provides a framework for understanding the process of behavior change.Offers an alternative to other approaches that tend to view people as in denial, resistant, or uncooperative if not ready to change

Originally developed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s by Psychologists James Prochaska and Carlo DiClementa

They were studying how smokers were able to give up their habit .This model has been applied to a broad range of behaviors including: weight loss, injury prevention,  overcoming alcohol and drug problems

Behavior change does not happen in one step

People progress through different stages on their way to successful change.

People progress through the stages at different rates.

Provides a framework for understanding the process of behavior change.Offers an alternative to other approaches that tend to view people as in denial, resistant, or uncooperative if not ready to change

View motivation as a state of readiness to move through the stages of change