How do you plan to provide effective writing feedback without harming self-efficacy or discouraging students in the learning process?

Teaching Portfolio Assignment: Effective Writing Feedback and Grading

This week, you have examined writing feedback from the perspective of the student and the instructor. You also have reflected on the impact of writing feedback on learning and self-efficacy. How do you plan to provide effective writing feedback without harming self-efficacy or discouraging students in the learning process? In this Assignment, you apply your beliefs and teaching philosophy through grading and commenting on a student-written paper using a grading rubric.

For this Teaching Portfolio Assignment, review and study this week’s Learning Resources, including the student paper provided from your introductory psychology class and the grading rubric provided for its assessment.

The students in your class received the following instructions for writing their paper:

Write an 8- to 10-page paper on cultural and gender differences in emotional expression. Be sure to use APA format, including a 150- to 200-word abstract and at least seven peer-reviewed references. This paper is worth 100 points.