What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?

What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?

Course Outcomes
• Produce a minimum of one substantial research-based assignment that shows significant depth of thought. The student shall demonstrate the ability to pose a research question, investigate the question using information literacy skills, and articulate discoveries in an appropriate format.
• Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize research through various documentation approaches that include paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting sources.

Institutional Outcome
• Information Literacy and Communication – Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.

The process of researching a topic and then reporting on one’s findings is fundamental to what occurs within the higher education landscape and the workplace. Researchers work through a process-driven approach where they select a topic to research that is often controversial, researched infrequently, has not been studied in some time to confirm the accuracy of findings accepted as facts, or where the dynamics have changed in such a way that what once was accepted as a fact may no longer be the case.

Your audience for this assignment is your instructor. As such, make sure your language, style, and grammar is precise and evidences your revision and editing abilities. More specifically expressed, make sure your submission:
• Has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digressions or repetitions. Its objective is to persuade.
• Avoids colloquial words and expressions.
• Provides precise facts, figures, and qualitative evidence from reputable or fact checked sources.
• Is explicit in articulating your stance on the subject or the strength of the claims you are making.
• Is edited and revised effectively to address nearly all errors that might arise from the drafting process.

You are to format and document the assignment in APA format.


For this research assignment, you will:

1. Select from one of the following topics provided on your potential topic list, or you may propose a topic of your own.
2. Create a thesis statement that is persuasive, arguable, and well-defined.
3. Create two to four research questions that will allow you to prove the thesis statement provided.
4. Perform a Literature Review in which you explore the various current and past perspectives on the topic selected related to your thesis.
5. Complete an Annotated Bibliography in which you locate six sources, evaluate the quality of each source, and then reflect on how each source will inform your completion of the final research paper.
6. Construct a four to six page research paper where you use textual evidence to support your persuasive thesis statement driven by the research questions you created.

Research Paper
Your final research paper will be 4-6 pages in length. It should be written persuasively, and your ideas should be organized by addressing the research questions you posed as part of your proposal. It should incorporate all six of your sources, and these sources should be used equally throughout the essay through direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. All research should be cited in the essay in APA format, and the Reference page should be in proper APA formatting as well.