What are the special considerations the nurse should take when implementing the nursing process and providing care?

Invasive ductal carcinoma

M.J is a 65-year old female, who discovered a lump on her right breast during self-examination. She scheduled an appointment with her doctor. After diagnostic testing of a mammogram and a biopsy, she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). She then proceeded to have a lumpectomy where a 4cm lump and some lymph nodes were removed in the immediate area. Four out of the fifteen lymph nodes were positive for the cancer, rating it a stage 2.

Your paper should include a title page and at least 3 references. Minimum word count is 1000-1250 words. Include the following in your essay:

Briefly explain the types and pathophysiology of breast cancer and risk factors
In the older adult population describe the following: What are the sensitive and special considerations for physical examination and pharmacological administration? What are the anatomical, psychological, and physiological differences? What are the cultural, spiritual, religious, and linguistic sensitive and special communication and collaboration considerations and differences? What are the special considerations the nurse should take when implementing the nursing process and providing care?
Provide at least 2 clinical manifestations
What types of therapies would be used for this patient?
What drug/ classification may be utilized for her type of cancer?
What are the considerations and nursing management for the patient receiving radiation and chemotherapy? What complications could arise?
Provide 2 nursing diagnosis using the NANDA format
NANDA (2012) NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List.
Provide 3 expected outcomes
Provide 4 nursing interventions
What are some supportive interventions for her and her family
Conclude your paper by discussing how you will evaluate your plan of care Assignment Expectations

Length: 1250 – 1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA 7style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Case Study
Breast Cancer
approx 30 min
Patient Profile

R.M. is a 68-year-old white female who went to her healthcare provider with a complaint of “feeling tightness” around a lump in her right breast. She has a history of hypertension and smoking (25 pack-year history).

Subjective Data

Has a family history of breast cancer-one sister recently had lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Mother and aunt died from breast cancer when they were in their 60s.
Has had history of “lumpy” breasts but this lump feels “different”
Says she cannot quit smoking because of all of the stress in her life. Her husband recently left her and she has not seen her two daughters in more than six months.
Objective Data

Physical Examination

5’9”, 205 lb.
Blood pressure 165/100, pulse 76, respirations 20, temperature 98.8°F
Palpable mass in right breast in upper outer quadrant
Diagnostic Studies

Bilateral mammogram and ultrasound of right breast
Case Study Progress

R.M. goes to her follow-up visit and is told that the mammogram and ultrasound show a 4 cm mass. She undergoes a core needle biopsy. The results indicate that the mass is infiltrating lobular carcinoma. She undergoes a lumpectomy and axillary lymph node dissection. Six of 15 axillary lymph nodes are positive for cancer. Two weeks after surgery, she is being seen to discuss further treatment options.