What type of study was it–a survey, case study, correlational study, or experiment?

Research study about Psychology

Popular media is full of stories about the latest and greatest scientific research; on the evening news, in magazines, in newspapers, and of course blogs. It’s important to evaluate these results with a critical eye. For this assignment, go through a current newspaper (online or hard copy) and find an article that reports the results of a research study about psychology or a related field (medicine, economics, neuroscience, behavioral biology etc.). Answer the following questions about the study as reported in the article:

(a) What type of study was it–a survey, case study, correlational study, or experiment?

(b) What variables did the researchers manipulate and/or measure?

(c) What did the researchers find? What did they conclude?

(d) Do you see any problems with their conclusions or with the way the article interpreted the study’s conclusions?

Note: You should not read an article from a peer reviewed journal for this assignment. The article should be written by a journalist, and be about scientific research in a peer reviewed journal.

Compose your paper in MS Word or a compatible word processing program. Your paper should be 1 or 2 pages in length, single spaced, standard margins, 12 point font. There should be a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The standards for writing assignments apply. Cite all outside sources clearly using your preferred format.