Explain the role of the executive and the legislative branches in the British political system.

Is the British political system “an elected/elective dictatorship”?

Prompt: Is the British political system “an elected/elective dictatorship”? Why or Why not?

To address this question, your paper should use course readings and lecture materials to:

1) Briefly define what is meant by the term “elective (or elected) dictatorship” in the
British context?
2) Explain the role of the executive and the legislative branches in the British political
3) Identify the aspects of the British system which privilege executive authority over
legislative authority (i.e., which aspects of the British political system favor the
4) Identify the aspects of the British system which privilege legislative authority (i.e.,
which aspects of the British political system favor the legislature?).
5) Use the above discussion to provide a well written and convincing argument in
response to the prompt.

While your paper should show familiarity with the institutional structure of the British system, the
lion’s share of the discussion should focus on the dynamics of executive and legislative authority
and your evaluation of each side’s assertions rather than describing the minutiae of the British parliamentary system.