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The final report should be a full consultancy report for an external client with academic rigor, explaining what the management issue (problem or challenge) is, which research questions have been defined, how the research has been designed and executed, conclusions and recommendations (including risk analysis and implementation plan). The final report contains:•your name, course title & NNBS email address•name of company and contact person•Supervisor’s name•Project title•Management issue: decisions to be made•research question, objectives•theoretical framework and/or conceptual model (a visual representation and/or a clear description of the important concepts and variables and an indication and defense of your chosen focus)•methodology planned and realized•results of research in the form of conclusions (full results in appendices)•recommendations: answer to the management problem/challenge•risk analysis•implementation plan•references & bibliography•Appendices (if relevant)The CCR is maximum 20 pages (4,000 to 5,000 words), excluding appendices. An oral defence (oral viva) is part of the CCR. Students should present the main results and be able to answer critical questions from a panel of at least 3 assessors. The oral defence will form a criterion in the grading of the final report. The CCR final Report will be assessed by your supervisor and 2 other panel members and your mark recorded. See the ‘Student Guide CCR 2019 – 2020” for more information on what is expected of you. The guide is to be found in the electronic learning environment. Assignment Tasks/Question(s)The assessment criteria for the final report are: 1.Purpose and objectives: the purpose is directly related to the central management question which is worded in terms of a decision(or decisions) to be taken by the client company. The objectives are related to the information issue and are worded in terms of SMART research questions.2.Execution of research: Relevant and sufficient data and/or information have been collected in a methodological right way.3.Conclusions and recommendations: Clear and creative conclusions from data (from different sources) have been drawn and solid recommendation are given, including a risk analysis and brief implementation plan.4.Style / form: Results are presented in a clear way In the report, written in good English and properly referenced.5.Presentation /oral viva: Results are presented and discussed in an inspiring way during the