Define the issues of the conflict that are perceived differently by different actors.

The war between Ethiopia and Erythrea

This paper’s main purpose is to map a conflict. the conflict discussed in this paper would be the war between Ethiopia and Erythrea.

The paper is made of the points stated below;

Introduction: Defining the scope of the subject + the main questions and problems
Part 1: Describe the context of the conflict (political context – probably getting back to past events)
Part 2: Identify the actors – If too many, keep the key actors (who are they – what do they represent – what do they say (the political discourse) – with whom do they have alliances (against whom)
Part 3: Define the issues of the conflict that are perceived differently by different actors.
Part 4: Talk about the dynamics of the conflict: how does it move, changes and how it can be transformed. (escalation, deescalation)
Conclusion: what impact has it left behind or will leave in the future.

Font: Times – 12 – 1.5 space
Table of content
Footnotes – Bibliography at the end