Write a 500 word press release, designed to accompany a Strategic Communication Plan or a Crisis Communication Plan.

Writing Press Release

Write a 500 word press release, designed to accompany a Strategic Communication Plan or a Crisis Communication Plan.

This news release will focus on some aspect/event/personality associated with the organization you might want to to make the focus of your Strategic Communication Plan or Crisis Communication Plan. You will need to do research on the organization in which you are interested, either in person, by telephone, or through the Web.

Consider that you are employed by the organization you choose. Your target audiences will be (1) a particular stakeholder group interested in the organization you have chosen and (2) a media outlet that can reach that audience.

Your job will be to choose the facts or answers to questions of interest to that stakeholder group and that media outlet. Requirements: Write a paragraph explaining the organization you have chosen to portray for this assignment. Include the URL of a Web site where information may be secured about this organization. Specify your audience and the media outlet to which the release will be directed. Produce a news release meeting the objectives of the scenario above.

Assignment Completion Tips: Seek solid information on the event you choose.