How might the evolution of that technology change social, political, and economic conditions?

5G Networks

b) Now, write an essay on your selected topic (emerging technology). In your essay, discuss the following items using your own opinion:

• What the ultimate uses of that technology might be?

• How will the impact of that technology affect civilization and life as we know it?

• What differences will it make?

• How might the evolution of that technology change social, political, and economic conditions?

• What beneficial effects or harmful effects will result?

• Look into the future and imagine the changes that might result from the use of that new technology. This assignment is in the Short Essay Format. Be sure to include reasons and facts as required to support your answer, but also make sure that you incorporate your opinion. Total length of this assignment needs to be a minimum of 2 full pages; maximum of 3 pages. Use MS Word with font size 12 and submit it via Canvas.