How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Discussion response

Read statement below and respond substantively to your peer. Comment on the leadership attributes identified and the connections made between systems leadership and continuous quality. How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

It is critical to make quality improvement a key component of healthcare organizations to provide patients with safe, high-quality, and timely services (Drew & Pandit, 2020). Senior executives must serve as role models. Whether they realize it or not, their actions are echoed throughout the organizations they govern. Staff will evaluate what is essential based on where and how leaders spend their time, not what they say. Management, leadership, and quality assurance are three separate but intertwined concepts (Drew & Pandit, 2020). Some managers are not necessarily leaders and vice versa. Some leaders and managers, but not all, will engage in QI, which can be done independently of leadership and management. However, combining all three is likely to produce the best results. Management entails commanding and controlling a group or team to achieve a common goal in its broadest sense. Leadership entails persuading others to help you achieve your goals. Management necessitates keeping track of details, responding promptly, and issuing orders or instructions when performance falls short of expectations, and QI frequently necessitates a purposeful relaxation of these standards. One may argue that QI necessitates more individuals acting as leaders and fewer acting as managers. However, many of the functions and responsibilities of management are shared among well-functioning, trustworthy frontline teams in the most extreme variants of QI (Drew & Pandit, 2020).

Learning good management in healthcare entails not just seeing opportunities to improve healthcare procedures but also recognizing the experience of frontline employees and, as a result, leading in ways that engage and empower people to mobilize every ounce of knowledge (Drew & Pandit, 2020).