How does it encourage the reader or viewer to regard what happens (or is shown) in the work as important?

Printed works, being read or viewed privately and at home, focus primarily on the domestic and the everyday; they put the reader or viewer into the privileged position of an observer of the intimate details of daily life. Choosing any one of the works from the “Print” unit of our course, write an essay of approximately 1000 words in which you discuss how the work in question lends the details of everyday life a sense of significance – how does it encourage the reader or viewer to regard what happens (or is shown) in the work as important? Be sure to close-read at least three passages if you focus on a literary work or at least three details of an art work (options include: color, tone, line, shape, space, and texture). Reach some conclusions about the values the work either assumes or tries to instill in its audience through its depiction of everyday life.