What credentials do the authors have degrees, years of experience in the field?

Climate Change – Annotated Bibliography

Topic: The best way to reduce climate change is to reduce waste because of X, Y and Z Cite 8 sources in APA format.

· Appendix B is an excellent resource for how to set up your paper in APA format. We also have an APA Video.

· Try to find at least 2-3 sources for each point in the thesis. Sources should not be more than 10 years old.


Once you have 8 sources, write annotations for each one. Each annotation will include three sections described in Module 1.05

· Summary: 3 to 4 sentences that will summary the source. The summary will describe the most important points of the research. What did the article cover, find and conclude?

· Credibility analysis: 1 to 2 sentences that will describe the professional and/or academic quality of the source’s author or publisher. What credentials do the authors have degrees, years of experience in the field? Is this a peer reviewed article or a government source?

· Relevance statement: 1 to 2 sentences that will describe the relevance of the research to your thesis. Which thesis point does the article support?