How would you address “dissenters and agreers” in your nursing unit? What are the resources you have or need?

Week 10 discussion

1.For this discussion, we will be debating the pros and cons of EBP. Why would a focus on EBP be good for nursing? What are the drawbacks? How would you address “dissenters and agreers” in your nursing unit? What are the resources you have or need? Don’t be afraid to “think outside of the box”. Many nurses oppose or want implemented change in nursing settings? YOU WILL TAKE THE PROs SIDE.

Proponent of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is aimed to cement current knowledge into common care decisions to improve care and patient outcomes. There is an unacceptable gap between what we are knowledgeable of and how we care for our patients. The definition of quality healthcare is “the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge” (Stevens, 2013). This explains that there is an underlying belief that research produces the most reliable knowledge that can aid a patient’s current health status to have the desired outcome. EBP can standardize healthcare practices to science and best evidence to reduce illogical variation in care. EBP can also unify research with clinical expertise and encourage individualization of care through the inclusion of patient preferences. (Stevens, 2013) The main advantages of EBP include better patient outcomes, contributions to the science of nursing, keeping practice current and relevant, and increasing confidence in decision making.

As a psychiatric nurse, we rely on EBP to make sure our standards of practice are up-to-date and effective. Suicide is a public health crisis that has recently reached epidemic proprotions. (Brodsky, 2018) EBP is crucial to allow effective interventions to reduce rates of suicide and related behaviors. Suicide prevention efforts require a comprehensive approach and research to be implemented in mental health systems. Suicide prevention research informs implementation in clinical settings where those most at risk present for care. EBP and best practice address the fluctuating nature of suicide risk, which requires ongoing risk assessment, direct intervention and monitoring. (Brodsky, 2018) The National Alliance for Suicide Prevention has created the Zero Suicide Model that uses a multilevel approach to implement practices for suicide prevention. The Assess, Intervene and Monitor for Suicide Prevention model (AIM-SP) is a guide for the implementation of the Zero Suicide model that can be easily incorporated into standard practice to increase safety during high-risk periods.

Without EBP, Psychiatry is an ever-changing field that needs EBP to be up-to-date and safe for our patients. Patients that suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts or hear command auditory hallucinations are high risks that we nurses need to be prepared for. These patients always find new ways to put themselves into danger, and we can become defenseless. On my particular unit, we utilized unit headphones that can be used as an effective coping skill to lower anxiety or agitation. This EBP was based on a prior study that found that music can be helpful with these situations and can enhance a calmer, more safe environment for the patinet.