Did it help you learn more or confuse you more about the topic? If you had additional questions in life who doesn’t would you consider going to a scholarly journal for more information now that you’re in this class? Why or why not?

Research in the “Real World” Discussion

Research is helpful when it is translatable to the “real world” in order to support our careers, personal learning, needs of others, etc. For this discussion, I’d like for you to think of something that you want/need to know that you’re still not sure of the answer. For example, maybe you’re wondering whether getting a patient up and walking day-of hip replacement is a good idea, or maybe you’ve heard about a miracle food but you’re not sure whether it’s just hype.

For the discussion, complete the following:

Discuss in a few sentences what it is you’re wondering/want to know and why.

Dig into scholarly journals (like you would find on Google Scholar) for some information about the topic. Be sure that you are reading articles LESS than five years old

Let us know what you’ve found by picking an article (again, make sure it is recent) and summarizing it in a few sentences (include the citation in APA format at the end of your post).

Finally, answer the following questions: Did it help you learn more or confuse you more about the topic? If you had additional questions in life who doesn’t would you consider going to a scholarly journal for more information now that you’re in this class? Why or why not?