What suggestions can you make to management when it comes to negotiating with unions about health care?

Wages, Benefits, or Both?

You have two choices for this written assignment; you only need to address one.

Topic 1: The cost of healthcare has been a controversial subject for quite some time, both to businesses and employees. Choose a state and research and compare its minimum wage requirements to the cost of healthcare. Make sure you read the article about healthcare costs.Do you believe the state wages are in line with the state’s cost of health care? Why or why not? What suggestions can you make to management when it comes to negotiating with unions about health care? Why do you believe your suggestions would work for both the union and management? What would, if anything, mandating paid FMLA (Links to an external site.) do to costs to both employees and employers?

Topic 2: Read M.L.B. and Players’ Union Set to Begin Early Labor Talks (Links to an external site.), and research compensation for baseball players. Do you believe they deserve what they make? Why or why not? Is it right for a veteran player to receive less than a younger player? Put yourself in a manager’s position and discuss what you would do to negotiate for less pay for veteran players. Why do you think your tactic would work? Would you take the same position if you were negotiating from the union side? Why or why not? What are some of the benefits baseball players receive? What do you believe the outcome will be for both sides, union and management?