Explain why blockchains have the potential to eliminate the need for trust agencies.

Business process management

Question 5 (Blockchain)

Explain why a blockchain is considered ‘immutable’; meaning that transactions stored on it cannot be undone, removed or changed.

Explain why blockchains have the potential to eliminate the need for trust agencies.

Why is blockchain a promising technique for tracking supply chains?

Question 6 (Productivity & ERP)

Explain the difference between theĀ productivity and theĀ efficiency of a process. Provide an example of both.

Public companies must periodically report their finances. In order to do this they must make sure that all their bookkeeping is consistent and matches up. When companies use ERP systems, this ‘closing of the books’ is typically done much(!) faster than without ERP. Why is that?

Why do companies spend so much money switching their information systems over to ERP? And why does it cost so much?