Develop human services communications using multiple modalities appropriate to varied audiences and messaging

3-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Social and Cultural Factors

As a human services professional, you will witness many client challenges that, on the surface, seem insurmountable. In your role as an advocate, resource, and
role model, you will be in a position of having to help clients find creative approaches to solving problems. You will also have an ethical responsibility to try to affect change on a larger scale.

For this project, you will concern to raise awareness about a barrier to treatment experienced by many of your clients. This project will help you to start thinking about client issues at a community and policy level while demonstrating leadership, compassion, and advocacy to your clients.

In this assignment, you will address the following course outcomes:

Employ socially and culturally sensitive strategies in communications practices for strengthening human services delivery across diverse populations

Apply relevant legal and ethical standards to human services communications in demonstrating professional practice

Employ tools and strategies that articulate issues, deal with conflict, and establish rapport in human services communications

Develop human services communications using multiple modalities appropriate to varied audiences and messaging