What are the future directions of research in this area?Are there any particular questions that could be examined or new methodologies used?

Are prisons an effective form of rehabilitation?

• Broadly introduce the topic and discuss its relevance to the psychology of criminal behaviour and to society in general
• Give a brief outline or overview of your paper
• Clearly state your objective in writing this paper or any hypotheses you might have


• Cite relevant articles in organized, orderly fashion
o If you are using a particular theoretical framework, explain it in detail and its relevance to the current topic
• Provide a critical review of the articles you cite
• How does your paper relate to the psychology of criminal behaviour?
• How strong is the argument you provide?
• Did you consider other theories or explanations?
o Would these confirm or refute the findings you present?

Conclusion (5 points)

• Review the major points of your paper
• What are the implications of your findings for psychology and society?
o What are the future directions of research in this area? Are there any particular questions that could be examined or new methodologies used?
• Make a conclusion statement