How will you deal with ‘teamwork issues’ in the future?-What positive skills will you continue to develop as you enter or continue on in industry.

Reflection on a group work

Within Group project 2 you developed your personal development plan and identified soft (transversal) skills that you had developed. Using that as a base explain how you have practiced soft skills in the Group Project 3, supporting it with appropriate examples of the
situations in which you demonstrated those skills.

You need to explain the situation and how you acted/behaved/reacted. You also need to explain what, in your opinion, what you did well and what not so well. Identify any issues that affected (helped/hindered) your achievements.

You should consider your journey through the group projects at Coventry and evaluate how you feel you have progressed individually.

You should critically analyse what future changes you will implement as you look to enter industry. I.e. How will you change how you work within a team next time around? How
will you interact with others within that team? How will you deal with teamwork issues in the future? What positive skills will you continue to develop as you enter or continue on in industry.
As part of this task you should update your personal development skill tracker. (The skill tracker template is available on Moodle within the assessment section)

Part 1 is worth 50% of this assignment.See the marking rubric for detailed
breakdown of structure and assessment.