What directions will you give the actors in terms of moves and how to say particular words/lines?

Stage a Play
About Staging One of Our Texts
Imagine you are a very ‘hands on’ director, who likes to be involved in every aspect
of your production. Therefore.

What, for you, is this text really about? What message do you want to convey to the
audience? What emotions do you want them to experience? The answers to the
following questions should help you achieve these goals.

What type of theatre do you want to use? How do you want to use it? (e. g. Where do you want the audience?) What ideas do you have about a set?
What about wardrobe (i. e. costumes) and props (i. e. the objects that the actors
What about lighting?
Will you use music? If so, what type? Existing pieces or will you commission original
music in a particular style?

What directions will you give the actors in terms of moves and how to say particular
words/lines? You don’t need to go through the whole text line by line, but you should select key lines/moments and make it clear to the actors what you want and why.